CDDI is an acronym that can contain many meanings which are listed below.
CDDI – Copper Distributed Data Interface
There may be many popular meanings for CDDI with the most popular definition being that of Copper Distributed Data Interface
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Here i got some information about CDDI from the resources like CISCO book & Wikipedia :
CDDI is a version of FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface) designed to run on shielded and unshielded twisted-pair cable. A network technology capable of carrying data at 100 Mbps over unshielded twisted pair (UTP) cable. CDDI was developed separately by Cabletron and Crescendo. The companies then combined their technology and received ANSI standards approval. Because CDDI has limited cable distances, a CDDI concentrator can connect to an FDDI ring as a subnetwork.CDDI cable lengths are limited to 100 meters. Since the differences between FDDI & CDDI are only in the PMD and the PHY. The PHY is responisble for coding and timing of the signals.
The PMD is responsible for the actual transmission on the cable.
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