Typical email scam to try and obtain your confidential information but this time they try to make you believe they contacted you before and now time is running out – the goal – to get you to react fast and ignore common sense. Here is the email:
Your last notification.
OUR REF: NL/WW/9039/43119
YOUR REF: VJL/TR/00765T5 43
Winner in the 2nd category of our DELOTTO free Net Lottery Promotional Award draws held in September 2009.
I am writing in respect to your lotto winning prize of ONE MILLION, EUROS (1,000,000.00 Euros) which you won through the email ballot draws in the DELOTTO free Net Lottery Promotional Award in September 2008 in the second category prize Winnings category.
We wish to inform you that your total prize money of 1,000,000.00 Euros Has remained unpaid by our treasury and credit office after the initial Letter to your address for your payment was not successful.
You are hereby requested to contact your Syndicate claims process agent at DELOTTO free Net Lottery and immediately update your claims process for your payment.
Mr. Nicolas Roy
Foreign Service Claims Agent
DELOTTO free Net Lottery
EMAIL: nicroys@yahoo.cn
Tel: +31 645 153 491
You are advised to provide the following information’s:
1. Name in full,
2. Address,
3. Nationality,
4. Age,
5. Occupation,
6. Phone/Fax,
7. Social Number
Accept our felicitations!
Signed: Ms.Fidelia Aken
For: Manager.(DELOTTO free Net Lottery Events, Draws and Promotion).
Remember, this is a scam and you should not respond to it. If you received one like this, please leave a comment with a copy and I’ll get it posted. It will help prevent others from becoming a victim!
i want to play the free lotto and win the prize
OUR REF: NL/WW/9039/43119
YOUR REF: VJL/TR/00765T5 43
Winner in the 2nd category of our DELOTTO free Net Lottery Promotional award draws held in June 1 2010.
I am writing in respect to your lotto winning prize of TWO MILLION, EUROS (2,000,000.00 euros) which …
[same letter for everything else]
Accept our felicitations!
Signed: Mrs.Rogers Valerie Sage
For: Manager.(Events,Draws and Promotion).
OUR REF: NL/WW/9039/43119
YOUR REF: VJL/TR/00765T5 43
Winner in the 2nd category of our DELOTTO free Net Lottery Promotional
award draws held in June 1 2010.
I am writing in respect to your lotto winning prize of TWO MILLION, EUROS (2,000,000.00 euros)
which you won through the email ballot draws in the EUROMILLION Promotional Award in June 1 2010
in the second category prize winnings category.
We wish to inform you that your total prize money Of 2. 000,000.00 Euros has remained unpaid by our
treasury and credit office after the initial letter to your address for your payment was not successful.
You are hereby requested to contact your Syndicate claims process agent
and immediately update your
claims process for your payment.
Foreign Service Claims Agent
Mr. Donald Johnson
Tel: +31 684 845 780
Fax : +31-847-592-103
EMAIL: donaldjohh3@aol.com
You are adviced to provide the following informations:
1. Name in full,
2. Address,
3. Nationality,
4. Age,
5. Occupation,
6. Phone/Fax
Accept our felicitations!
Signed: Mrs.Rogers Valerie Sage
OUR REF: NL/WW/9039/43119
YOUR REF: VJL/TR/00765T5 43
OUR REF: NL/WW/2047/41119
YOUR REF: VJL/ER/00964T5 89
Winner in the 2nd category of our DELOTTO free Net Lottery Promotional
award draws held in June 2010.
I am writing in respect to your lotto winning prize of THREE MILLION,
EUROS 3,000,000.00 Euros) which you won through the email ballot draws
in the EUROMILLION Promotional Award in June 2010 in the second
category prize winnings category.
We wish to inform you that your total prize money Of 3.000,000.00 Euros
has remained unpaid by our treasury and credit office after the initial
letter to your address for your payment was not successful.
You are hereby requested to contact your Syndicate claims process agent
and immediately update your claims process for your payment.
Mr. Gaston Starreveld
Foreign Service Claims Agent
Tel:+31 61 7743605
Fax:+31 84 7207620
You are advised to provide the following information’s:
1. Name in full,
2. Address,
3. Nationality,
4. Age,
5. Occupation,
6. Phone/Fax
Accept our felicitations!
Signed: Mrs.Barbara castelein van
For: Manager.(Events,Draws and Promotion).