GW-BASIC is an acronym that can contain many meanings which are listed below.
GW-BASIC – Gee Whiz Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
There may be many popular meanings for GW-BASIC with the most popular definition being that of Gee Whiz Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
More GW-BASIC Definitions
We searched our database and could not find a definition other than Gee Whiz Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code for GW-BASIC
GW Basic was compatible with BASICA and came with versions of MS-DOS before 5.0. At Michigan State University, they taught GW-Basic to students by having them build a ice cream flavor and scoop program, however, at LCC, rather than focus on a program that lasted the entire class, they gave module assignments with each one changing every two weeks to reflect real-life work environments.
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GW-BASIC got it’s name from Gregg Whitten, one of the first Microsoft employees and was a version of BASIC developed by Microsoft for the Compaq.
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