IDNX is an acronym that can contain many meanings which are listed below.
IDNX – Integrated Digital Network eXchange
There may be many popular meanings for IDNX with the most popular definition being that of Integrated Digital Network eXchange
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are there any schools in southern california or close to southern california that teaches the idnx course.
I was always instructed that it was Inter-Domain Network Exchange…Which is incorrect of course but has become somewhat common due to the promina’s use of domains in structuring its networks.
Short for Integrated Digital Network Exchange, a technology that multiplexes voice, data, and video onto multiple T1/E1 backbones. Allowing integration of equipment from different vendors, IDNX is an integrated packet/circuit switch providing frame-relay adaption for X.25 packet switches, SNA communications processors and other HDLC-based devices. IDNX concentrates and routes this traffic along with Ethernet and token-ring LAN-generated frame-relay frames, over private or public frame-relay networks. IDNX also supports voice/fax compression, ISDN and switched 56K/64K call setup, and digital cross-connection.
The IDNX family has been functionally superseded by the Promina family of ATM switching platforms, and in particular the Promina 800 Series Multiservice Access Platform that provides an enhanced chassis and bus system to the IDNX while being able to make use of IDNX modules.