The purpose of this page is to demonstrate that programs can bypass your firewall, no matter how good they are when browsers like Firefox or Internet Explorer are incorrectly configured. In this example we attempt to find your your Internal IP address (NAT addresses, Private IP, natted addy, etc) and explain how we obtained it in the first place.
How Do I Find My Internal IP Address?
If you want to do it yourself, simply open a command prompt (select Start, Run, type in CMD into the Open: prompt. Then at the command prompt, simply type this command: ipconfig /all
If you haven’t done so already, see if your internal IP can be exposed by visiting our Digital Footprint test, then come back to this page. Also, don’t forget to use our free firewall test to make sure your computer’s security is working as it should!
Your external IP address ( ) is always exposed to the internet, if it wasn’t, you wouldn’t be able to visit sites. On the other hand, your internal IP address, mac address and other information should be protected and not obtainable by websites.
Internal IP
This does not necessarily mean your firewall is malfunctioning or improperly configured. The method we used will bypass most firewalls. Why? Because we use Java to grab the information and then pass it on to the server (Notice how everything ran without prompting you?)
Private IP – Why you’re Vulnerable
When we use the term ‘vulnerable’ we refer to your computer executing a program hosted on another server without any interaction from you. We used your internal IP for this demonstration because it’s harmless (for the most part). Java passes this information to the server were it can be collected. Many claim this is not possible and that only you can see this information, so to prove the point, we included the last 14 internal IP addresses that this server has seen.
Last Seven Internal IP Addresses
Internal IP | External IP |
---|---| | *.*.175.151 | | *.*.175.151 | | *.*.139.165 | | *.*.104.152 | | *.*.216.101 | | *.*.41.175 | | *.*.187.225 |
To verify this information, simply look for (or tell a friend to look for) your Private IP plus the last two octets of your IP; if they don’t appear, then you’re good to go! If they do and you’re concerned about privacy, you’ll want to use a proxy server of some type to surf anonymously.
What is a Private or Natted IP?
A natted IP address (network address translation, network masquerading, IP masquerading) is a simply a method in which the source and/or destination addresses of IP packets are rewritten as they pass through a router or firewall. A private IP addresses is usually what is rewriting and range from: – – –
IP Privacy
A hypothetical example of using your internal IP address to track your activities is an internet service provider. Some cable companies charge you for each computer connected to your cable modem. By tracking your internal IP address, the cable company could see that you’re running multiple computers on one router and bill you accordingly.
The whole point of this demonstration is to make you aware that there is more to security than just a firewall. It also helps prove that YOUR INTERNAL IP CAN BE OBTAINED AND STORED (many claim this is not possible) – kind of makes you wonder what else can be used to profile you? A malicious website owner could use a similar method to grab a lot more than your internal IP address, and you wouldn’t even know it!
I see my Private IP – What can I do?
Don’t panic, even if someone has this information, there is not much that can be done with it. I provided an example above of what can be done with this knowledge, but another example would be an employee hiding behind a company firewall, or a person using a proxy server, trying to use a stolen credit card.
The ‘deviant’ thinks she is safe behind the company firewall because the technology department is not tracking her internet activities. She makes the purchase from a online store; the store soon discovers the fraud and using the same method we used to find your internal IP, they discover the real IP address behind the company firewall. The store simply contacts the company’s technology department and provides them with the real IP address (which may or may not be a non-routable addy) which in turn discovers the employee that made the purchase.
The point is, you should be concerned that a Java applet ran without your knowledge, found some information and passed it back to the server.
It was cross site leaking of java that gathered this information made possible by passing variables back from the applet and constructing a url in java to a web page using an iframe that contains the data to be collected. The server can then read this information, store and process the internal ip address as needed.
The only way to prevent this that we are aware of, is to disable active scripting in the browser.
Update: Oracle has fixed Java so that it now prompts you before running applets, so this has been fixed.
It’s working Anirban, glad to hear it :)
Ok ,Right You’ve got my country and type of browser accurately,but my state/city/region and area was blank. Your map was also referring to a wrong location.
I’m using proxyway free version , is it actually working? Just loved your site,way to go man :)
Hi Just Wondering.
It’s a demonstration that you can obtain this type of information behind your firewall, I originally had it set to grab your mac address, but that was showing too much information, so I stuck with the private IP. If you’re using a proxy server and the PC has a public address, then the IP would be that of your private ip! In fact, I currently screen all IP address and drop anything that’s not in the private range to avoid hate mail.
The whole point is that you can have the greatest firewall in the world, but if you’re not careful, you could be leaking valuable information or worse!
Hope that helps :)
Ok, you’ve “got” my internal IP addy of, so what can you do to my machine if you don’t have the Public IP addy?
Since most people use the default out of the box settings, it is not too hard to “guess” the internal IP addys once you RDP or VPN into an unsecured network. Without the correct public IP, the internal IP is meaningless, right?
I’m not an expert here but just expressing my understanding of the IP addy thing, please correct me if I am wrong.
Thank you, great site, cool information and easy on the eyes.
In reading the comments, there is some confusion. What is discussed here is the Java application and NOT JAVA SCRIPT. They are two completely different animals. Therefore any configuration of Java script to defeat this IP grab is useless.
Java sneaks past most firewalls as it is classified as “trusted” universally by developers.
This Java grab behavior can be defeated by:
1) Uninstalling it.
2) By disabling it in its Control Panel.
3) By disabling it in your browser.
4) Using a firewall to block (or ask for and then you block) outbound connections by java.exe.
Further, if one does not disable the default “Place Java icon in the system tray” then a Java run will be revealed by its appearance. So, it’s not all that sneaky. :)
i found this site while trying to change my private lan ip address, its simply for the reason that my ip is banned from a video game :( can this be done?
I use a VPN, and when I load the anonymous page, it seems to be working, showing a location, GPS and IP address that is not mine. However, you were still able to use the Java sniffer to find my internal IP address. Would using firefoxes NoScript add on keep you from being able to sniff out my internal IP Address?
A very interesting article. Unfortunately, I found where to disable active scripting in both IE and Firefox, did so, closed and reopened each browser and your site still found my internal IP! I then restarted the computer for good measure… and my internal IP was detected again. So I think there must be more to masking it than just disabling active scripting!
My internal/private ip is visible, my problem is the location of .htaccess file? If its buried in my computer my ability to find it is somehow being shown as file not found using multiple tries? Help on this is needed, I truly appreciate your site and plan to buy a cup for you when able which will be on payday near the end of September (ss check)
Thank you in advance.
Never thought there’s stuff like this regarding IP. I was contented on checking my ip and finding out it’s spoofed and my tor is working but surely this change my whole view on things. Thanks a lot for this insightful post! It’s very much appreciated!
how do I disable JAVA so my IP address wont be traceable. Thanks
Hi Josh,
Once it have disable Java (not Javascript), then close your browser and visit the site again and you should see that I was not able to see your internal IP address.
Thanks for the kudos!
So I disabled java console and tried this test again only to find the only change being that the map of the gps location being gone. Since I’m sure that it’s a java enabled map, RIGHT? Yet you said that it would hind my internal ip address. I don’t know that much I’m sure your right, but if you always listen do as your told you only learn a quarter as much. Thanks for this sight and all your time invested in helping the rest of us. At least my firewall was configured correctly with no unused open ports. Your speed test compares to the other 50 or so I’ve tried, only small variants between them all. Anyway THANK YOU AGAIN FOR THIS SITE!
@Rich – as long as you’re alone in the private LAN, you can assign any IP address that you want. If it would happen that you would choose IP address that matches an actual server, you would not be able to access that server. I’m curious to see how people will react to IPv6 when it spreads…
I have sitemeter to track visits on my blog. When my husband visits my blog from his office his visits don’t show on sitemeter. How is that possible?
Hi Jaspur,
Your ISP might not put you out on the internet until it gets to a router a 100 miles away – from your home to that point, it may all be internal. It’s not exact and the point of this is to show you what information internet sites see about you. If it shows 100 miles away, your good – the only way then to find your exact home address is for a warrant to be issued, and only law enforcement can do that…
when you scanned my internal ip. thr gps location came up, close to 100 miles from where im at. what does this mean? i have a home built computer thanx love yer site
That is really dangerous – there’s a whole lot of bad that can done with having an internal private IP exposed.
And that is very true – though it makes sense that code like .NET and Java can be used to do all kinds of things without the users knowledge, it is generally claimed that internal IPs are private and shouldn’t be viewable online.
It means that someone only has to get you to visit a webpage they have the code running in, instead of running a scan (that could give them away to an IDS or IPS) that searches through all the internal IPs to see which of them are live. Having known internal IPs can make it easier to directly contact that specific computer – the potential to fool the firewall and / or NAT into thinking there’s, say, an established connection is increased.
Can you get PAT (ports) data too with the scripts (I expect that is very do-able also)? If so – that can be used for profiling the type of NAT in use, as the cycle of the port allocation numbers can be used to match to the NAT type, which then makes it easier to find any exploits to the NAT software itself.
Anyway, cheers for info.
Excuse me, someone has been sending me rude emails, and i want to see their location, (just their country) I have thier internal ip address thanks to gmail but she said she lived in Uk but to make sure i need the country location.
An answer will be deeply appreciated, and I will love you forever if i dare say,
Do you mean your public IP, that your DSL or Cable modem has unless you have a business account with your ISP it will change when the DSL or Cable modem is off for awhile else you can always press the reset button on the back. Now if you connect the DSL/Cable modem to a Wireless Router or Wired Router then that is your private IP address and if you did not set up Remote Desktop then I would not worry about someone getting into your PC unless you have a Trojan or other virus on it aka Backdoor proggie.
If you do have a router then my guess is its setup as your DHCP server so it is handing your PC and IP address if you only have one PC then most of the time it will always get the same one you can set it yourself its really not all that hard. If I were you and this was your home PC I would go to the routers web page and change the info in there try to make it as secure as possible. One thing you have to know is that no matter what your behind your online and if someone wants into your stuff bad enough they will get in no matter what your running Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux they all have flaws period.
As for the email issues you have I would change your password every 3 or 4 months if you really want to be paranoid then change them every 72 hours also people can spoof your email and make it look like its coming from anyone. Its really not all that hard. If you have the know how you can send one from the command line and make it look like your boss was just fired by the bigger boss, trust me I know I seen it at work lets just say a principle thought that the Sup just fired his butt.
People all you need to do is use TOR it will not list your private side IP address nor will it show your public one either just read up on it, and learn how to use it. It’s NOT that hard.
My internal ip address keeps on changing and thats why i could not rely on my remote desktop connection. I have other custom built computer build by extentus, Texas and is attached to same router as my desktop and its internal ip address never changes and works perfectly everytime. i have configured my router to always give my desktop same internal ip address, through LAN IP settings, but it never works. Pls help me give my desktop an internal ip that will never change
I stupidly allowed someone to write down my private ip and my router key, they also have my email passwords. They are sending as if they are me and it’s truly convincing! How can I change the private ip ? I have already changed network key. However, I’m not familiar with the dns, subnet , computer terms.. Could you leave me detailed instructions please.
i will be glad to have somme explication about haw to be less “visible”.
i realise that the web pro’s can “find” me…i only want to be “unsee” by the 80% surfers…10QU
everything is right, even my email can get captured? except it says mozilla, I”m not using mozilla. thanks please reply via email
i wanna become anonymus
Hi Ken,
On the internal IP address as well as other pages, comments are moderated. This means that when you leave a comment, it shows for you, but other visitors can not see the comment until it’s approved. I do this to prevent abuse and foul language – it takes more time, but it keeps the site enjoyable for everyone.
Thanks for the information!
By the way, what do you mean by awaiting moderation?
You do not tell us how to surf anonymously! This makes no sense whatsoever! So we know what info we are providing, now how do we surf anonymously?
how can I surf anonymously?
Did a little google searching and found that ISPs “geolocate” all of their routers, etc and that allows websites to tell where you’re at, since they can access that geolocation.
Kinda creepy!
Ha got you what you are showing is all wrong. I have the top of the line stealth coverage due to my job. Just like to test it sometimes. not even in that state.
Ok, so how is it that my GPS coordinates are coming up when I’m using a desktop computer running Windows 7?
Is it because I have an Android-based phone that I connect to this computer from time to time to transfer files, and it somehow tells Windows 7 my most recent GPS coordinates, or does the ISP actually know what my GPS coordinates are and that’s public info?
I’ve seen hundreds of pages that tell you what your OS/browser/city are… never saw one that could pretty much pinpoint my GPS location.
I’m accessing the internet through the LAN network. Could it be possible for me to hide my IP address from the other computers connected to the same server? If yes, how could that be done? Using IP address is this possible to get a full control over a computer? If yes,How could it be achieved?
I’d like to not give away any info
pleace block IP:
..and other traces I can leave while searcing
Surprised at how much info is displayed
It got the wrong address/city totally but got my ip address perfectly.
dear sir i want to open any blocked site will u help me, like facebook,orkut,twitter and more social networking site…,
How do i hide my surfing from the ISP?
damn ya can almost see me mawn the lawn…
How do I remain anonymous?
I’m not in Lenexa, but in Lees Summit MO. Can you recommend a proxy, and how to do it?
Ah, so I have confirmed that our stealth protocaul has fooled even you! Thanks for the great site!
please unblock my external ip address
Intresting, however I am thankfull that this puts my house about 160 miles south of where it is, and puts me in a town about that same distance away. Probably due to the fact that our ISP covers nearly a thousand square miles in this desolate part of America.
holy molly
IP spoofing is not a common attack nowadays.
Most (all?) routing firewalls “routers” sold in stores today will not allow it to happen. It is only under rare conditions (improperly configured IP forwarding schemes) which are vulnerable where the IP forwarding configuration is not filtering out private IP spaces inbound on a public network interface.
However thank you for this service as it is informative.
Try TOR which protects your identity by using multiple networks to grab the information you need. There is a whole community that allows anonymous surfing from their IP addresses and TOR uses that network of volunteers to visit the sites you’re interested in so it’s not coming from your IP address or identifying your browser and personal information.
There is also OperaTor which ties into the Opera browser
dear sir i want to open any blocked site will u help me,
i am using ultrasurf but can u give another software by which i can surf any site like facebook,orkut,twitter and more social networking site…
Now that you have adequately demonstrated how much info is given away, please demonstrate in an equally easy manner, how to stop it.
Hi Jim,
I found out through your site that my internal IP Address is found. Now i would like to know how to hide it and also other information that are open.
Thanks in advance and your really helpful.
well how do we hide the internal ip ?
What do i do, pleeease help me !!!!!
If I want to surf anonymously and visit blogs without the website owner, or anyone else, having the ability to trace my visit or comment back to me, how do I do this? I saw a block link initially, but now can’t find it. And if I block the IP address will it compromise my ability to use any other software or websites? I’m wondering why people are asking to have their IP address unblocked.
Hey Ed,
Really want to find out what information you, or anyone else is sending? Use Kismet (see my section on Wireless Security. When you transmit data, if it’s not encrypted, then chances are the person sitting in the booth next to you can capture and record all your activity.
Fire up one of these programs and see for yourself what is being transmitted, you would be amazed. The question is, what type of encryption is the coffee shop using? WEP, WPA, WPA2 or nothing at all. No encryption is bad, WEP isn’t really effective against programs like aircrack-ng, but with WPA, you should be safe.
Let me know how this turns out will you Ed?
Hi there! We spoke many moons ago!!
I’m on a wireless network that is not my setup. What identifiable information am I giving away. I know the internal IP and the external IP, you’ll have it now, lol if you look at the header. But what else does my pc broadcast other than the internal IP.
I ask this because I go to Starbucks, Panera Bread, etc. and connect to their wireless services. Does mu pc broadcast my user name, registration, computer id, etc.
Thanks, Jim for your feedback.
If the map is off under Anonymous Surfing, it is because it is the location of your IP address, not your home address.
When you are connecting to the internet, your are assigned an IP address by your internet service provider. That IP address may be one that is far away from your home, so the map will show where that IP enters the internet, not where you connect to the service provider. Some connection points are close to home, others are far away.
your map shows a location 650 miles away from me – I can live with that
Area shown is ISP server location. my location is 1000 Km away.
I would like information on how to surf anonymously.
You really Good the Adress, and the all information its True good good good may be you can show me more
Under “Annonymous surfing” looked at information I am giving up. The city is INCORRECT and the area code is INCORRECT.Please advise. Thank you.
Hi K,
There is a ton of free software in our web security resources section, but here is an overview:
For free antivirus, spyware and malware protection, check out Microsoft’s Security Essentials – I use this and it works fantastic.
If you want something other thank Microsoft products, see our sections on personal antivirus, Spyware removal.
To help block flash content and hide your internal IP address from sites, use something like noscript for firefox.
Also, a great way to customize the data that your computer sends to websites (like changing your browser type, forwarded for ip address and more is proxo.
Hope that helps!
many have asked how to protect themselves from being invaded. i do not see the answer to their questions or a link to find out. where can we find the information to be more secure or private in our browsing???
hi. like your work, im into network and would like some idea or help in protectng myself…eg firewall, identity, local internal ip, and my ip from isp /dns……
I used my smartphone as a modem without toggling the company and it shows an ip and city where i not live, second test I toggled the company using my wi fi and another ip and city but not mine, and last test using my own net wi fi, and yes that may correct city and ip, conclusion: I don’t need necessarily need a proxy server to hide my ip or city at all.
Right what Behemn above says what is a proxy server and could you offer referals?
I am not sure I follow what you are saying about the fact that you can “see” both my external and internal IP address. I am concerned about my security because the internal ip address you showed is the one that I have been told by other sites that I am operating from, however, that is not the ip address set up with my modem from my isp. I have also had messages when logging out stating “there are other operators on this computer that will lose data if you log off now. Save your data then…”????? And I am like other people logged on to my computer????? What???? can you tell me what is going on? BTW this is refurbished thinkpad i bought off eBay
Would you like send me any proxies or software for surfing anonymously and hiding my internal ip please?
Thanks a lot for your help
hi, using IE 8.0.6001.18702
To prevent “WARNING: Internal IP Address (x.y.z.a) Found!” message I tried the following:
tools/internet options/security/internet/custom level/scripting/active scripting/disable
tools/internet options/security/internet/custom level/scripting/scripting of java applets/disable
neither worked!
What else should I try?
how do i get to surf Anonymously … so people dont see am located in Ghana?
How can I block out this information and keep it from being seen by the websites I visit? Send me an answer
What if I told you this is not my Personal Map Data.
What can I do to STOP someone from using me illegally on the internet? I mean Literally USING me as A TARGET to Harass for the last 3 years
How do I make my internal ip static? its changes every time when my router got rr
Hi there,
I’m just confused…..why my internal ip settings are showing completely different from your last 20 ip listings??
How can I prevent my ip address from being read/how can I block it
I finally know at least where my hacker approximately lives. If I only had his name now maybe the lazy old F.B.I.would wander over and arrest him for hacking me these past two years. I sent them so much information. I have been keeping notebooks on every bit of info I can get. Can you help me get anymore?
Hi Prashant,
I see that your Internet Service Provider is VSNL.NET.IN in MUMBAI, MAHARASHTRA India. They may give you the 123.*.*.* address which is used on their network internally, but when you access the internet, they may send you through a proxy of their own which would result in you having a different IP address. Does that help?
hi. i was wondering if you can show me how to hide more of my information please. that’s amazing how much information is given away w/each hit to a site. wooowwww…thanks for taking off the blinders on my eyes.
Hey , the ip assigned to me is 123.*.*.* , which isn’t a private ip , but when i visit sites to know my external ip , i get a different ip altogether. it is clear that the ip I’m getting is my external ip, visible outside my network. but how can i have such an internal or private ip .please explain!!
Hi Raven,
Take a look at my comments concerning location of internet connection of your ISP (Internet Service Provider). You IP you wrote this post with maps to a DSL connection by CELLCO PARTNERSHIP DBA VERIZON WIRELESS and comes back as Bloomfield New Jersey. It all depends where your ISP is connecting to the internet as this is the location of your IP, not your home. Your home connects you to your ISP, but your ISP may decide to connect you to the internet at a location far away from your home. Hope that helps…
Would you please block my IP address and my internal IP address. What effect will blocking have on my ability to visit web sites? How does it affect cookie management?
Hi Katie,
The map shows the location of where your internet service provider is accessing the internet, not where your home is, so the location may be off target, sometimes by 40 miles or more.
So, sometimes it’s close, sometimes it’s way off – only the cable company knows your exact location.
live nowhere near here!
I think someone has used my password for AOL to access my address?
I rent an office and they let me connect to the internet through their network. The IT people have recently upgraded their firewall and now I keep being thrown off every few minutes (when I can connect at all) The IT manager said that my computer is trying to carry out a portscan and I should get my machine tested. I have latest anti-virus anti-malware software and have completed a deep scan (VIPRE Internet Security 2010)but the only thing it came up with was one trojan Trojan.Win32.Generic!BT that has been quarantined. Is there a way I can check and clean my PC without taking it into a specialist?
I was using bsnl syam technologies router, with dvr that port:5400 showing private ip, how it is working? I can’t understand.
The good proxy servers offer anonymous web surfing software to hide IP addresses for surfing the web anonymously using with a secure VPN access with untraceable IP addresses, a hardened network to provide you with privacy and a secure Internet experience.
Want to anonymize, what is the best way to hide my tracks?
very interesting, please show me the way
for Anonymous Surfing and hiding my tracks.
I have a IP IP) now i need to find the relevant IP defined for it at my internal IP .
So what i need to do ?
Glad to report that it did not find my internal address.
hi again,:)
i quote “If they don’t appear, then you’re good to go! If they do and you’re concerned about privacy, you’ll want to use a proxy server of some type to surf anonymously.”
my vpn services change my external ip and private ip with theirs. for ex. my private ip is 192.x.x.x and vpn’s private ip is assigned to 10.x.x.x. if i use java, u could see only 10.x.x.x and their external ip. so my external and internal ips are kept hidden. is it not supposed to be said “…then you are all set.”? my only concern is that some websites do ask me to click OK for no reason. they just want me to click that OK button. can hackers infiltrate my computer based on my vpn’s external and internal ips only? my experience is that i use a paid vpn service to connect to another proxy server. my understanding is that not only does my isp not know what i am visiting but also my vpn service doesn’t know where i am going to. they only know i connect to a proxy server. is that true? thanks in advance.
This is friggin’ scary-
Hi Rob,
If it’s not showing your private IP address, then you are all set.
Hi, if I use a vpn service and your website shows me the internal ip but it’s my vpn’s internal ip (not mine), will that do any good since it won’t show my real internal ip? is it safe then?
Hello, i have site blocking on my internet, I’m using a server connection with a admin and guest logon, of course I’m logged on the guest account, and its limited what i can do on the machine.. i hope you can help me with something that will block my internal ip so i can go use my facebook account and so on without being tracked.
I’m looking forward hearing from you.. thanks a lot.
Okay I see that this info is being disclosed to you but how do I surf anonymously?
Barry said:
“Hi, I am in desperate need of the VERY BEST HIGH or ELITE TOTALLY ANONYMOUS PROXY,…”
The problem with proxies is that you have to be picky which proxy yo use. They are good vehicles for staging Man in the Middle attacks!
Jim said:
“As far as blocking your ip, internal (private) ip from being seen, the only way I know how is disabling the running of java applets.”
Firefox and NoScript will block this Java data snatcher applet.
Jim said:
“So many sites out there use Java, so it’s not really practical, but it works.”
Practical? Most times you wont miss anything; even the blocking of the browser exploit would pass unnoticed if a reporting log file is not examined repeatedly. Some websites are configured to complain about Java or Javascript being disabled; however, their content is not always required, and it is useful to be able to examine a log report before enabling the mechanism for the delivery of the infrequent nasty.
Hi, I am in desperate need of the VERY BEST HIGH or ELITE TOTALLY ANONYMOUS PROXY, so when I land on ANY given site, they won’t even know I’m using any kind of proxy server and think I’m only an individual. Honesty being what it is today, can you PLEASE contact me with a recommendation of two or three such companies that support a Apple MAC…PLEASE!
I’ve been using this site for many years and you guys sure do a GREAT JOB of everything…the very best!!! I have told soooo many people of your services, over the years. WoW!!!
Thank you so very much.
I had no idea, great application!
I could not understand how it works.
Please clarify because I am in the location as stated in the map.
Why is it that the location maps always say I live in a different state from where I do? They say, “Virgina, Ohio, Texas, Washington State, New Jersey…”
I live in Montana.
Hi S. Peek,
No, they will not. That GPS location is the location of where you are entering the internet and may not be your home. If the map shows your home, then that’s were you are entering the internet (and then yes, they could locate you with the coordinate reported);however, chances are the coordinate is that of your internet service providers hub, not your home address.
Hi Crystal,
The location is in fact determined by the router, but not your router, rather the internet provider’s router. Take a cable modem for example – this obtains an ip address from the cable company, but where you actually enter the internet may be at a central hub. When you surf the web, it’s that hub that shows as your location, not your home. The cable company knows exactly what home is using their ip address and when, but as far as a company outside of your cable company trying to locate you, only the hub’s location will show.
As far as blocking your ip, internal (private) ip from being seen, the only way I know how is disabling the running of java applets. So many sites out there use Java, so it’s not really practical, but it works.
Hope that helps,
If they have the gps location will they be able to pin point my exact address??
I see my ip address so what can I do to keep this information from being shared . I will say the location where I am was wrong ( actual) but I am using a router if thats any help …. Thanks Crystal
Hi Rich,
Correct, 148 is not in the private ip range. When I see a private IP, I list that, but I also list routable address when it is different from your external ip.
There are so many scenarios that could account for this, such as:
I’m guessing that in your case, you are browsing the internet from work and the 148 address is what your computer was assigned.
Hope that helps!
I see my address on the screen, but in the Internal IP column, it starts with 148, isn’t that routable?