LMDS is an acronym that can contain many meanings which are listed below.
LMDS – Local Multipoint Distribution System
There may be many popular meanings for LMDS with the most popular definition being that of Local Multipoint Distribution System
More LMDS Definitions
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Definitions have been compiled from popular search engines and multiple results provided for your review.
Quisiera saber el costo de ése equipo LMDS, el suscrito dentro de mis ignorancia en la materia, pienso instalar en mi pueblo ubicado en Perú, Región Huánuco, provincia Yarowilca, Distrito Pampamparca,espero su grata respuesta en brevedad posible en mi correo electrónico, saludos. 24/07/2010.
LMDS is a point to multi-point system for broadband wireless transmission direct from local antennas to homes and businesses within a line of sight radius