RNOC is an acronym that can contain many meanings which are listed below.
RNOC – Regional Network Operations Center
There may be many popular meanings for RNOC with the most popular definition being that of Regional Network Operations Center
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In Managed Services domain it is defined as \Remote Network Operations Center\
However the question arises that what types of issues we can have if such business is in place. Is there any issue for the Global vendors with regard to Opertating & supporting the RNOC, legal viability, licensing and data monitoring and approval, taxation issues, regulatory issues, access of off-shore to on-shore domains and so on. The Telcom market & business has become so complexed not in terms of innovation of technologies but from the business perspective. Now to keep track and running of the current business process is only possible and successful if the same are readily available to accomodate new requirements and quality transactions for the organizations.
It should mean Remote Network Operations Center. Normally a NOC for an Operator resides in their office. Remote means that we can manage the network remotely, can be in the same country or offshore. So that we can leverage the tools and expertise, reduce O&M cost and share experience. One RNOC can support several Operators and can be at country level, Regional level or Global level.